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Saturday, July 2, 2011

It started with a latch hook kit...

When I was younger I would watch my mother work on her latest needle point project and wish I could do something similar.  I eventually tried to do some needle point, but in my young age I became frustrated and gave up.  My mother then told me she used to latch hook, and I decided to try it.

She gave me latch hook kit for a snow man pillow.  I had fun doing it, it was easy, and we use that pillow every Christmas.  I did a few more kits, but then I just stopped...I have record of getting into something for a while then quickly moving on. I was maybe 10  when I started and 12 when I stopped.

About a week ago, I got the sudden urge to do something creative.  I was so bored I didn't know what to do with myself, so I walked up to my closet and dug out a latch hook kit I never even started. Now I'm on my way to finishing it and moving on to several new kits to decorate the home my fiance and I will share.

I also recently discovered a love of making beaded jewelry! :)

With this blog I hope to document my crafting journey and keep myself motivated.  I will not get bored and walk away from such a "ladylikely" thing to do.

By the way, this site  has a wonderful selection of latch hook kits as well as other things.

Projects and pictures are on the way!

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